Monday, June 15, 2015


Alcohol is a clear, colorless, volatile liquid that provides 7 calories per gram but is not a nutrient. Alcohol is very soluble in water and is not stored in the body. Approximately 20% of alcohol is absorbed in the stomach and the rest is absorbed in the small intestine. Alcohol that is absorbed through the small intestine is then metabolized by the liver. The liver can only process so much alcohol per hour and anything not being metabolized is carried throughout the blood, affecting the brain and various tissues.

There are certain factors that affect the absorption and metabolism of alcohol. The first factor is the presence of food in the stomach. If food is present, the rate at which alcohol is absorbed will be slowed. The next factor is gender. Women absorb 30% more alcohol into the bloodstream than men. Even if body weight for a man and woman are the same, one drink for the woman could have the same effect as two drinks for the man. The last factor is ethnicity. Native Americans are more likely to develop liver damage from alcohol consumption.

Drinking alcohol should be done in moderation. It is recommended that men do not exceed more than 2 drinks per day and women do not exceed more than 1 drink per day. Even though alcohol often gets a bad name, it can have benefits to the heart. It has been believed that wine is the healthiest alcoholic beverage to consume, but research shows that moderate drinking (one drink per day) of any type of alcoholic beverage has benefits.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. Alcohol has a protective factor for the heart. Consuming alcohol increases levels of HDL-cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and can in turn remove build up from the arteries. Alcohol also prevents blood from forming clots which reduces the risk of heart attack.

There are different types of drinks and different measurements for what counts as “a drink”. 12 ounces of beer or wine/malt or spirit-based cooler, 5 ounces of wine, 1 ½ ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits, 3 ounces of sherry or port, and 9 ¾ ounces of malt liquor all constitute as one drink.

It is important to consider the calories in each type of drink. The average regular beer has 150 calories. Light beer contains about 100 calories. Wine coolers have about 170 calories. 5 ounces of table wine has about 100 calories. 80-proof distilled spirits have about 100 calories per serving. 3 ounces of sherry or port has about 130 calories and 9 ¾ ounces of malt liquor has about 135 calories.

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