Thursday, June 11, 2015

Diet Drinks

There are some advantages as well as disadvantages to consuming “diet” drinks. Diet soda has become fairly popular with dieters wishing to watch their calories. Diet sodas are sweetened with an artificial sweetener that contains few or no calories. It can be positive to eliminate the calories from soda but at the same time, soda is still talking the place of water in the diet.

Frequent soda consumption comes with many problems, and a lot of the problems seem to not be present when the individual drinking them chooses the diet version. Some health issues associated with frequent soda consumption include type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and bone fracture, dental caries, and increased blood pressure.

The biggest downfall with diet soda consumption is it can cause obesity to be more prevalent. Often times, when people drink a “diet” beverage, they believe that they are making such an excellent choice and they tend to splurge elsewhere in their diet. Perhaps they feel they have earned junk food in exchange for the diet drinks. This is just not the case.

I rarely consume soda, but when I do, it's regular Dr. Pepper. It is very difficult for me to determine a recommendation for soda because there are so many factors to consider. If you rarely drink soda, the regular version should be an OK choice. If you drink sodas regularly, you may want to consider the diet version, but I must add that I recommend consuming more water and trying to kick the soda habit!

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