Friday, May 15, 2015

Dining Out

Dining out can be social and very enjoyable but can also wreak havoc on your body. Making the appropriate choices while dining out is crucial! I will be assessing various restaurants to determine what I believe to be, the best choices in each menu category. My choices will be based on the items with the lowest calories, lowest carbohydrates, lowest sugar, and lowest sodium. I often neglect fat and cholesterol but sometimes those categories are what become my determining factor.

I focus on calories because that's what most people keep track of and that's what most people need to watch out for. By now you know that I am not a fan of carbohydrates, especially if they are from bread or pasta. Fruits and vegetables are a different story and I would never recommend NOT picking fruits and vegetables. Sugar is a health sabotaging culprit so I try to pick options with the lowest sugar. Sodium is not a heart healthy option so I try to avoid choosing items with high sodium content. I also try to pick options with high protein content and low saturated fat content. I try to look at every category on a menu and pick at least one option that I believe is superior to the others. I look at everything from beverages to desserts.

When I write about a restaurant selection from a particular category on the menu, I will list certain details about that menu option. I will usually, but not always, list the item's calorie content. I may list carbs, sugar, or sodium but I won't list every detail of the food or drink option. I try to focus on what sets that option apart from the others.

I have a few guidelines for dining out that need to be addressed. First, I always recommend ordering water to drink. It's calorie free and the most important nutrient. If you order something else to drink, ask for a glass of water anyway, that way you will have something else in front of you if you run out of your first choice. Those calories can really add up when your server keeps refilling your glass! If you are ordering an alcoholic beverage you really need to be drinking water along with it anyway so please consider doing this!

Portion control is my next guideline. Whenever you place your order, consider asking your server for a to-go box so that when your food arrives, you can put half of it in the box and take it home with you. If you wait until you finish eating to ask for a box, you risk over eating. Putting half of the food away before the meal begins can reduce how many calories you consume at one time because when some people see the food, they feel that they need to eat the food. Out of sight, out of mind!

When we dine out in a large group, we can feel intimidated, which brings me to my third and final guideline- don't feel pressured to eat an unhealthy option. If the majority in your group orders an appetizer that would sabotage your healthy habits, consider not eating any of it or just eating a very small piece. The same goes for bread options and dessert options. The best way to handle this kind of situation is to voice your opinion about which appetizer or dessert option you prefer. You could be the one to encourage others in your group to make better choices! If the group is still not swayed, then remember moderation is key. It will not kill you to eat one mozzarella stick or two or three bites of a chocolate cake.

I hope you find the information about different restaurants to be helpful and I hope you have a fabulous day!

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