Monday, May 18, 2015

My Journey

Weight loss is not easy for most. Weight loss after having two kids seemed almost impossible. I struggled because I was clueless as to what to eat and what to avoid. I would workout but not keep my diet under control and I wondered why I wasn't making any progress. I thought it was all about exercise and I was wrong. Fitness is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise and I believe that now.

After I started my nutrition consultant journey I had a better grasp of calories and the fact that not all calories are created equal. I try to stick to a high fat-low carbohydrate diet and that works best for me. I am here to help others live a healthier lifestyle so feel free to ask questions!

The photo on the left is from my son's first birthday party in March 2012. The photo on the right is from April 2015.


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