Saturday, May 9, 2015

Why I became a nutrition and wellness consultant

Welcome friends! My name is Samantha and I am a certified nutrition and wellness consultant! I love food and fitness! I'm not your typical nutrition guru. I do not stress that you should always only eat organic foods and I do not bash eating certain types of fat. I do not believe in the phrase “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” and I do not believe you should give up everything you enjoy when it comes to food.

Our bodies are amazing and we need to fuel them with the appropriate nutrients. Every single time we move, speak, breathe, think, or our hearts beat, we are using calories. What does our body do with the food we eat? Why does it matter if we eat or don't eat vegetables and fruit? Why is too much sugar a bad thing? These are some of the questions I asked myself before I started my nutrition journey and these are some of the questions I will be answering in my nutrition blog.

But why did I decide to take this journey? When my son was about to turn 3, I found out he had a sensitivity to gluten and dairy. His occupational therapist let me borrow a new book, Grain Brain. I was immediately captivated by the author's take on nutrition. He recommended a high fat, low carbohydrate diet and he explained what grains actually do to our bodies.

Gluten sensitivity is becoming a reality for more and more people. Since I must accommodate my son's diet, a lot of my recipes are gluten and dairy free. Even if you do not have a gluten sensitivity I hope you will try some of my gluten free recipes!

Learning what food does to our bodies, whether it be positive or negative, has become a passion for me. I hope you will be here with me as I cover many topics and answer as many questions as I can pertaining to nutrition and wellness!

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a fabulous day!

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