Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Juicing and Detoxing

There was a time when I believed whole heartedly in juicing and detoxing. I thought these were required in order to lose weight. Now that I have an education in nutrition, I would never recommend doing either.

Juicing seems like a great idea because it is an all liquid diet and a way to get fruits and vegetables but this is one way to consume too much sugar and not enough fiber. Excess calories are turned into fat in the body and all that extra sugar from juicing will become fat if it is not used for energy. I rarely recommend fruit juices and I certainly would never recommend juicing.

Detoxing is a ridiculous claim that our bodies do not CLEAN themselves. What do you think our livers are for? Food empties from our stomachs after approximately four hours, so there's really nothing left to “detox” from after just a few hours.

Juicing and detoxing are essentially starvation and deprivation. Our bodies require nutrients from a variety of sources. I get the majority of my carbs from fruits and vegetables. I avoid grains whenever possible. I eat meat, eggs, cheese, and yogurt for protein. I eat things such as almonds and pumpkin seeds for healthy fats.

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