Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Getting Enough Water and Kicking the Soda Habit

Water is essential to life and yet most people simply do not get enough water every day. It is recommended that we all get eight glasses of water each and every day, which can be challenging in our busy lives. 

Another challenge for getting enough water is when something else takes it's place in our diet, such as soda. I would never recommend quitting soda cold turkey. That is basically setting yourself up for failure. Gradually kicking the habit is more reasonable and more people tend to achieve their goals when they set their own pace. 

I also would never recommend giving up completely something you enjoy. I believe in moderation. If you drink eight glasses of water every day for a week and decide that you would like one soda, it will not kill you. It really won't hurt anything at all. Soda contains phosphorus which is beneficial. And treating yourself once in a while is beneficial to your healthy lifestyle.

One way to kick the soda habit is to take it one week at a time. For example, let's say you drink eight sodas each day and want to start drinking more water. For the first week simply replace one soda each day with a glass of water. For week two, replace two sodas with a glass of water each day. Continue this pattern until you have completely replaced soda with water. If you started out drinking eight sodas a day, it will take you eight weeks to completely ditch the soda habit. Slow and steady wins the race!

It helps if you keep a progress chart. You can make a chart at home to track your soda and water intake. A lot of people are not actually aware of how much soda (or other less healthy foods and beverages) they are consuming in a day. If you believe you could kick the soda habit even sooner than expected, be my guest. Just remember that going cold turkey is probably not the best idea.

Getting enough water every day does not have to be stressful or complicated. I recommend drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up. Drinking water upon waking is a great way to kick start your day and you'll already have one glass under your belt! 

The easiest way to get enough water each day is to drink eight ounces every two hours. If you wake up at 6am, go ahead and drink a glass of water. Then have another glass at 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, and one last glass at 8pm. This technique leaves room in your lifestyle for other beverages such as tea, coffee, and alcohol but still allows you to get plenty of water, which is essential for optimal health.

I recommend investing in a heavy duty, reusable water bottle. This is not only positive for our planet, but also our wallets! Healthy lifestyles do not have to be a burden on our budgets. In fact, investing in a healthy lifestyle is an investment in yourself and can help cut down on future medical costs. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a fabulous day!

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  1. What are some of the negative effects that could happen from quitting cold turkey?

    1. Hello! Thank you for your question! Quitting cold turkey can cause caffeine withdrawal headaches. I was a soda drinker and every time I tried to quit, I would quit cold turkey. I would get headaches and end up giving up on my goal.
