Sunday, May 10, 2015

How I Stay in Control During Holidays and Birthdays

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mothers out there!

This is a difficult time of year because I just celebrated my birthday last week, today is Mother's Day and next weekend is my daughter's birthday. Birthday cake times TWO and going out to eat or having a large meal with the family doesn't have to damage a healthy lifestyle.

One great thing about cake is it is freezer friendly. I have a huge collection of freezer-safe Tupperware and I always put them to use when it comes to sweet treats like cake because for me, out of sight out of mind is a key component for keeping myself in control. I know the cake is in the freezer and it will be there later. But if it were sitting on the counter, I would feel the need to eat as much of it as possible because it might "go bad".

Dining out or having a family dinner doesn't have to bring you down. Moderation is important and I would never tell anyone to give up completely something that they enjoy. I want everyone to live a long, happy, healthy life and that's where moderation comes into play. If you add me on My Fitness Pal  you can see that yesterday I was over my calories for the day, but I prefer to look at the entire week instead of just one day. 

Some people get discouraged because of one diet slip up in a single day. We are not perfect! This is why I look at an entire week. I set my daily calorie limit to 1,800. I'm usually in the 1,500 range and those "extra" calories I save for something to treat myself with. Today is Sunday, the final day in the week and I still have 2,106 calories for this week but that doesn't mean I will use them all. If they don't get used, they are forever gone but tomorrow starts a whole new week!

I don't eat the same things every single day and my total calories fluctuate almost every day, this is where variety comes into play and I will go into more detail about that in a future post. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day!

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