Monday, May 11, 2015


Welcome friends! I get many questions from my friends and I wanted to dedicate one of my first posts to answer some of these questions!

1. What is the best combination of carbs, protein, and fat for weight loss?

Everyone is different and there is no perfect combination that will work for everyone, but from my experience I have found that a lifestyle higher in fat and lower in carbs is the most effective combination. Eating fat doesn't make you fat. Fats in almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados for example are very nutritious. I try to avoid bread and excess sugar therefore I get my carbs from fruits and vegetables.

2. Which is better, chicken or fish?

Both are a great choice! Chicken is usually lower in sodium but fish, especially salmon, contains essential polyunsaturated fat. Both chicken and fish are recommended in a balanced diet!

3. How bad is it to skip breakfast everyday?

Skipping breakfast is never a good idea. Having a healthy breakfast is the best way to start each day and breakfast should actually be your biggest meal of the day. (Dinner should be the smallest!) Skipping the most important meal of the day sets you up for failure. It slows your metabolism and can make you feel sluggish, which will reduce your physical activity level. It can also cause poor food choices later in the day when cravings kick in.

4. How bad is soda for me?

Soda is calorie dense, meaning it contains a lot of calories and very little nutrients. Drinking soda can inhibit your water intake so I highly recommend to cut back on soda and focus on drinking more water. Soda is mostly sugar, which is just an unnecessary carb. People who consume soda on a regular basis tend to have a lower consumption of calcium, protein, riboflavin, and fiber and a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, dental caries, and increased blood pressure.

5. Why do I need B vitamins?

B vitamins are essential for your metabolism, nervous system, skin, vision, digestive system, and much more!

6. How do I know how many calories I need a day to lose weight?

Determining how many calories you require each day takes into account your gender, age, height, current weight, and physical activity level. There is a formula I use to determine a person's individual calorie needs and I will go into detail on that in a later post, but below is the estimated calorie needs for adults as determined by MyPlate. These amounts are just estimates, your personal needs may vary.

Activity Level: Sedentary Moderate Active

19-30 1,800-2,000 2,000-2,200 2,400
31-50 1,800 2,000 2,200
51+ 1,600 1,800 2,000-2,200

19-30 2,400-2,600 2,600-2,800 3,000
31-50 2,200-2,400 2,400-2,600 2,800-3,000
51+ 2,000-2,200 2,200-2,400 2,400-2,800

7. Why do I need to drink 8 glasses of water a day?

Water is the most important, and often most neglected nutrient. All body processes take place in water. Water carries materials to and from cells and provides a nutrient-rich environment for cells to thrive. Water is also needed for hormonal messages to be transported throughout the body. We get water from foods and beverages that we consume but it is recommended that we get 8 cups of just plain old water each day because we lose so much of it through sweat and urine. There is a formula to determine how much water you require and it is based on your amount of calories expended and I will go into detail about that in a later post.

8. How much dairy is recommended for people to have in a day?

It is recommended that most adults get 3 cups of dairy each day. What counts as a cup? 8 oz of milk or yogurt, 1 ½ oz natural cheese, 2 oz processed cheese, or 1/3 cup shredded cheese.

9. Is rice healthy?

Rice contains essential nutrients but should be eaten in moderation because it is high in carbohydrates. I recommend choosing brown rice over white rice and be careful what you add to it. Butter, salt, and some sauces can turn a healthy option into an unhealthy one!

10. What are the best foods to eat to help lose inches off the waist and tone up?

While we can eat a healthy diet, exercise, and lose body fat, we cannot decide which part of the body the fat is lost from. Toning can only be done by working out. It is recommended to do cardio to burn fat (we have a layer of fat over our abs) and then you can try core toning to tone your abs. Eating a healthy, balanced, varied diet is important for all aspects of life, not just for weight loss, but to help bust that belly fat we need to eat right!

11. Is curry good for you?

Yes! Curry contains nutrients such as calcium and potassium.

12. What are the good fats?

There are saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats. For a healthy heart I recommend limiting trans fats and saturated fats whenever possible. Unsaturated fats are usually consider the “good” fats. Monounsaturated fats are fats that contain one point of unsaturation, while polyunsaturated fats contain two or more points of unsaturation. Polyunsaturated fats are usually considered to be the healthiest for your cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids and Omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats and are found in foods such as fish, almonds, avocados, sunflower seeds and oil, safflower oil, and olive oil. When it comes to fats, my biggest recommendation is to aim to get more Omega-3 fats in your diet. Omega-3 fats, when used to replace saturated fat in the diet, can help lower your LDL-cholesterol, lower your total cholesterol, and raise your HDL-cholesterol.

13. Is there a good rule of thumb when looking at ingredients lists?

The ingredients on an ingredients list is listed in descending order by weight. If the first ingredient is sugar, that means that item has more sugar than anything else listed on the ingredients list. There are some names for added sugar, such as high fructose corn syrup, fruit juice concentrate, malt syrup, molasses, and dextrose. If you are choosing between two items, such as two types of cereal, read the ingredients lists for both products and try to choose one that doesn't list sugar, or an added sugar, as the first ingredient.

14. Do you get the same benefits whether you blend your fruits and veggies together rather than eating whole?

If you are “juicing” your fruits and vegetables you may not be getting the fiber they offer. If you are making “green smoothies” try using fruit that has a peeling that you wouldn't eat anyway or doesn't have a peeling at all, such as bananas and strawberries.

Thank you for reading! I hope you found these FAQ's helpful and I hope you have a fabulous day!

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